Monday, September 7, 2009

Sydney NSW Australia July 2009

Calvin and I, along with my two brothers, Peter and Chris spent a week in Sydney Australia. Many people asked, "Why Sydney?" Well, its very obvious that Nemo was my inspiration, but in reality, its the cheap airfare. We paid $1000/person for round trip airfare and 7 nights stay at Sheraton at the Park.

When we land at Sydney, it was only 6am. So, to kill time before our 2pm check-in, we walk to Chinatown to Yum Cha. Their Chinatown is big and clean and the people are more polite than peeps in Oakland Chinatown. No offense to my fellow Chinamen in Oakland. =)

Places we visit in three days:

Darling Harbour
Sydney Harbour
Opera House
Bondi Beach
Blue Mountain
Whale Watching
And of course the Casino

By the fourth day, we ran out of things to do. So we mainly walk three miles to all sorts of food court to grub. We walk the streets at any hours since you'll feel completely safe there. I mean, my brothers and Calvin was the only people in Sydney wearing baggy pants and over-washed, see through, white t-shirts. Everyone there looks like they're modeling for GQ or Vanity Fair. They're slim, well-groomed, fashionable, and naturally gorgeous. I can't help but feel ashamed and self-concsious when I walk down the street with them in the thousands.

To end the trip, we went to a nice restaurant for steak at Darling Harbour and I left my camera there, within five minutes, we ran back, and it was gone. GONE!! I spent the last day in bed refusing to eat or leave the hotel room because I need to mourn my lost. My brothers didn't help much by thinking that I'm overreacting and showing no sympathy. Well, they did bought me McDonald but the "Super Size" fries is equivalent to our kids' size, so that wasn't big enough comfort me.

So, yup, I lost all the hundreds of pictures that I took of wild kangaroos, ostrich, koala bears and breathless view of the city and their harbor and their many museums and the opera house.

So everyone should help me blame Calvin. He promised me that he's going to upload pictures for me, but instead he sneaks out at the middle of the night to gamble.

He so disappointed me.

And my memories of it can only take me thus far to write this blog.

Just a thought:

After the visit, its a fact that America is so behind in our mass transportation, health care, and education.

Good Night

Linda Phung

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